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400GT Brake Bleeding

Jack Riddell

Body of Message

Hi Aaron, I noted your message about brakes on the 400. Jerry Galich would be the first guy to talk to. If the car has been sitting for a long period, chances are the fluid has some moisture (DOT 3 is hydrophilic which means it attracts moisture). The first order of business would be to flush out all the existing fluid and replace it with new. Then the bleeding is pretty much what you described. Start at the wheel farthest from the master cylinder and work back to the closest. Fred"s reply about the servos is also right on target. The units have a bad habit of leaking where the fluid escapes into the vacuum tank. You keep filling the reservoir while never finding any signs of leakage at the brakes themselves. Then one day, you apply the brakes and they stay applied. That"s what happens when the vacuum tank gets too much brake fluid in it. I know! So check with Jerry and find out what he can tell you about the brakes, then proceed from there. Are you still planning a trip to San Diego? I am expecting to see you. We can talk about the 400s to your hearts content and I can get some pictures of the one and only racing 400GT 2+2 before you put it back to its original paint. Best Regards, Jack [This message contained attachments]


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Last modified: 12th January 2020