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Search for details on a Lamborghini by (part of a) Chassis Number

1977 LHD Silhouette 

Chassis Number 40060 is this Italian market Blu car with Natural  interior, currently believed to be residing in London, UK .

It is fitted with engine number 40060.

And is number 32 of 56 of a limited series of cars.

It has the following modifications from the standard european model on offer at the time of manufacture: Red with Black Leather.

Other Information: Test Date:15/11/77, Sold by Dealer: Achilli Motors,Milan on 9/12/77.

Sold at auction in London in 1999

now painted Red with Black Leather

Replace((ModelVersion.Fields.Item("Notes").Value), chr(13),, "

Information on this car was sourced from Paul Clemence.

The data on this specific vehicle was last updated 3-Dec-2001.

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Page Design Last modified: 2nd December 2023