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Search for details on a Lamborghini by (part of a) Chassis Number
1976 RHD Urraco P300
Chassis Number 15866 is this italia market bianco car with nero interior, .
Other Information: Bertone Body Number #404 Manufactured on 26 July 1976 Consigned to dealer s e a roma on 01 October 1976 dai registri e da una seconda scheda la vettura risulta avere numero di telaio e di motore 15866 e di aver montato un motore tremila il 18/02/1977 con guida a destra consegnata a berlinetta italia inghilterra.
Information on this car was sourced from Raymond Stofer.
The data on this specific vehicle was last updated 15-Feb-2021.
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Page Design Last modified: 2nd December 2023